About Southern Nevada Strong

Southern Nevada Strong

Ten years ago, over 70,000 community members helped create the original Southern Nevada Strong Regional Plan, which envisioned new ways to grow for a stronger future. Since then, we’ve experienced a recession and a pandemic, hotter days, and housing is more expensive. With a million new people expected to move to our region by 2050, resiliency has never been more important.

We are coming together alongside our neighbors, our businesses, our nonprofit and government agencies to create the all-new Southern Nevada Strong 2050. The new plan driven by our community to bring housing we can attain, higher-paying jobs, and better ways to get around the region.

Urban planners at RTC and over 20 community partners are asking you to help our region find different ways to solve our problems. In the next two years, your input will be crucial to build on our regional vision and gear up for the plan’s success over the next 25 years. Together, we’ll figure out how to make Southern Nevada a fairer, smarter, and stronger place for everyone.

Click here to stay up-to-date on the latest opportunities to get involved in the new Southern Nevada Strong 2050 Plan.

Let’s go fairer, Let’s go smarter, Let’s go stronger.
Let’s go together.