2015 Regional Plan
The full plan and accompanying planning documents that were developed during the planning process can be found in our document library or here
The region’s top priorities organize the plan’s goals and strategies into four main themes: Improve economic competitiveness and education, invest in complete communities, and increase transportation choices.
Improve Economic Competitiveness and Education
This theme reflects the valley’s desire for a stronger economy, skilled workforce, and better education for everyone, regardless of race or background. During the planning process, people often shared their hope that their children could stay in Southern Nevada, get the job they want, and build a life here. They want many different types of jobs, good public schools, safe and stable neighborhoods, affordable housing, easy access to transportation, places for recreation, and the chance to be involved in important community decisions.
Goals from this theme include:
- Attract and keep workers, visitors, businesses and entrepreneurs.
- Support small businesses.
- Strengthen educational system.
- Encourage teamwork to connect economic development, transportation, land use, and education.
Invest in Complete Communities
The Complete Communities theme focuses on building neighborhoods where everyone has access for opportuntites. In these communities, people feel safe, have healthcare, and can find good jobs. The plan also aims to use land and resources wisely. It encourages the region to plan housing and jobs for the future while protecting natural resources to keep the economy strong in the long run.
Goals from this theme include:
- Invest in improving neighborhoods to make them safer and stronger.
- Increase the diversity of housing type and make them affordable
- Bring healthcare, food, parks, and services into neighborhoods.
- Encourage land use and development that conserve resources and focus on energy efficiency.
Increase Transportation Choice
This theme focuses on improving transportation and public transit in the valley to make travel safer and easier for everyone. Residents want more transportation options to help boost economic growth and improve access to homes, jobs, and services. Adding mixed-use centers will also help make transit, biking, and walking options more efficient by serving enough people to support frequent services.
Goals from this theme include:
- Create a safe, modern transit system that connects neighborhoods and jobs.
- Improve bike and pedestrian paths to support commuting and active lifestyles.
- Build a safe and efficient road network with Complete Streets across the region.
Build Capacity for Implementation
This theme focuses on giving community leaders the ability to carry out the Regional Plan and involving residents in shaping the valley’s long-term future.
Goals from this theme:
- Increase public engagement and civic participation, especially from underrepresented communities.
- Focus on regional planning and collaboration between local governments and community partners.
- Build knowledge and skills around the Regional Plan ideas.
- Secure outside funding for implementation.
Through better integration of quality housing, transportation, education,
workforce, and social service networks, we can achieve a stronger Southern Nevada.
Watch this video to learn more.